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'ttc' develop Environment Statement for Overhead Line Reinforcement Project

Updated: Nov 30, 2022

‘ttc’ have been appointed by Scottish Power Energy Networks (SPEN) to produce an Environmental Statement to determine the traffic and transport impact which will arise from the associate works with the Oswestry to Wem 132khv overhead cable reinforcement programme. The project involves a 21 kilometre wooden pole electricity line which runs between Oswestry and Wem in Shropshire. The team at 'ttc' will develop an Environmental Statement which focuses on the construction traffic, the impact on the local highway network, access to the proposed route and a construction traffic management plan. ‘ttc’ are able to draw on key experience of working on Environmental Impact Assessment for big infrastructure projects which will prove to be crucial for a project of this size and nature. George Bailes, Director, ttc, says, "We are excited to be working on a project of this nature for a key supplier in the energy market. Environmental Impact Assessments and Environmental Statements are a key element of our work portfolio at ‘ttc’ and we are looking forward to getting stuck in and delivering positive results for the client within the tight timescales."

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